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- Index Card1711
- Newspaper Name...
- Council or Committee Name...
- General Committee 1737
- Full Council 1455
- Finance Committee 316
- Development Committee 103
- Building, Health and Sanitation Committee 66
- Parks and Playgrounds Committee 25
- Environmental Planning Committee 24
- Parks, Playgrounds and Golf Course Committee 17
- Council 14
- Works Committee 14
- Resources and Policy Committee 11
- Management Executive Committee 9
- Finance and Management Committee 6
- General Services Committee 5
- Joint Building, Health and Sanitation and Development Committee 5
- Parks and Recreation Committee 4
- Staff Committee 4
- Community Services Committee 3
- Cultural Advisory Committee 3
- Health and Sanitation Committee 3
- Parking and Traffic Advisory Committee 3
- Public Relations Committee 3
- Works and Traffic Committee 3
- Bush Fire Advisory Committee 2
- Joint Building Health and Sanitation Committee and Development Committee 1
- Joint Building, Health and Sanitation Committee and Development Committee 1
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- Council Minutes 1710
- Newspaper 7
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