Latest Photos
Jannali Baby Health Centre Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Widening of the Jannali Railway Crossing Bridge, 1970Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Widening of the Jannali Railway Crossing Bridge, 1970Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Interior of Hair Salon at Box Road Jannali, 1963Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Interior of Warren's Men and Boys Store in Box Road Jannali, 1963Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Interior of Jannali Sports Store on Box Road, Jannali 1967Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Interior of Aggs Chemist located in Box Road Jannali, 1963Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Complex of shops and offices located on Box Road, Jannali 1963Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Jannali Baby Health Centre, 1964Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Celebrity Shoe Store located in Bates Arcade, Jannali 1961Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Fruit and Vegetable Market located at 90 Railway Crescent Jannali, 1962Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Bates Arcade on Railway Crescent, 1961Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Back of Jannali Arcade on Box Road in Jannali, 1965Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Looking west along Box Road at Jannali, 1965Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Pedestrians crossing Railway Crescent at Jannali, 1965Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Evans Jewellery Store located on Box Road, Jannali 1965Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Jannali Arcade located on Box Road, 1965Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
The opening of the Jannali Community Centre, 1959Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Deputy President Keith Bates at the unveiling ceremony for the Community Hall, Jannali, 1958Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Jannali Railway Crossing Bridge, 1958Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Jannali Railway Crossing Bridge, 1958Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Jannali Auto Centre located on Railway Crescent, 1958Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Shops lining Railway Crescent, Jannali looking south, 1958Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Library which was part of Fletcher's Radio Store, Jannali 1958Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Jannali Railway Station, 1958Collection: Jannali Shopping Centre
Construction of the Sutherland Civic Centre on Eton Street, 1975Date: Between 1st January 1975 and 31st January 1975
Visitors to the Camellia Gardens at CaringbahDate: Between 1st January 1970 and 31st December 1970
Cronulla Street looking towards the entrance to Ocean Grove Avenue at CronullaDate: 31st December 1988
Sutherland Shire Silver Band march along Menai Road at the Yala Road at BangorDate: Between 1st January 1986 and 31st December 1986
Looking across the Georges River form Sylvania in 1962 towards the northern shore and a fine view of the St George area. Date: Between 1st January 1962 and 31st December 1962
A side view of the Hotel Cecil taken from Cronulla Park in January 1985. Date: Between 1st January 1985 and 31st January 1985
St Patrick’s Catholic Church in SutherlandDate: 12th December 1982
Ferry VF Lugarno is seen here crossing the Georges River near IllawongDate: Between 1st January 1974 and 31st December 1974
Looking north along the Princes Highway in 1966 to the shopping area at SutherlandDate: Between 1st January 1966 and 31st December 1966
Looking south along East Parade on the western side of the railway line at SutherlandDate: Between 1st January 1978 and 31st August 1978
Flora Street looking west toward the railway station at Sutherland in April 1988Date: Between 1st April 1988 and 30th April 1988
North Cronulla Beach in 1975 looking southDate: Between 1st January 1975 and 31st December 1975
Looking north to Waterfall Railway StationDate: Between 1st January 1976 and 31st December 1976
Looking north along Croydon Street at CronullaDate: c.1990s
Cars waiting to cross the Woronora bridgeDate: Between 1st January 1977 and 31st December 1977
Cronulla Beach looking southDate: c.1990s
Monument near Port Hacking Road CaringbahDate: Between 1st January 2003 and 31st December 2003
Kirrawee Railway Station during the duplication of the line projectDate: Between 1st January 2007 and 31st December 2007
Cronulla Beach looking southDate: Between 1st January 1976 and 31st December 1976
Train waiting at Sutherland Railway StationDate: c.1980s